22nd Century Science
Scalar physics is the science of reality's hidden understructure. The electric, magnetic, and gravitational force fields are only the surface layer. Like waves upon the ocean, these forces arise from deeper fields known as potentials, which themselves arise from the primordial superpotential.
superpotential → potentials → force fields
Force fields derive from specific distortions or undulations in potentials:
- Vorticity in the magnetic vector potential [A] → magnetic field [B]
- Gradient in the scalar electric potential [V] → electric field [E]
- Gradient in the gravitational potential [P] → gravity field [G]
Similarly, potentials derive from specific distortions or undulations in the superpotential:
- Gradient in the superpotential [X] → magnetic vector potential [A]
- Change over time in the superpotential [X] → electric scalar potential [V]
But there also exist potential and superpotential fields that do not give rise to [E], [B], or [G] fields yet still provide certain exotic effects. Examples:
- gradient-free electric scalar potential [V]
- curl-free magnetic vector potential [A]
- gradient-free gravitational potential [P]
- gradient-free superpotential [X]
- unchanging superpotential [X]
Scalar physics concerns itself with potential and superpotential fields that do not necessarily give rise to magnetic or electric force fields, yet still have meaningful effects. It also points the way to a unified field theory between electricity, magnetism, and gravity. For instance, it may be possible to define the gravitational potential [P] in terms of [A] and thereby unify gravity with electromagnetism.
For more information, please read: A Brief Introduction to Scalar Physics (PDF)
Why is scalar physics important?

It is far easier to measure and observe electric, magnetic, or gravitational force fields than the potentials that give rise to them. In a typical radio, voltmeter, or camera, it is the electromagnetic force that disturbs electrons and ultimately produces a detectable signal. But a force-free potential will not be detectable by the same mechanism. Therefore conventional instruments cannot detect pure potential fields.
But what about a voltmeter? Does it not measure the electric scalar potential? No, a voltmeter merely measures the difference between two potentials in an electric field, rather than the value of the potential itself. Thus if a copper wire were to carry a uniform voltage from end to end that varies over time, that same voltmeter would register 0V the whole time.
Specialized equipment is needed to detect potential and superpotential fields, and none such technology is currently in wide use. Thus there exists an entire hidden field of physics that conventional electrical engineering has not yet accessed.
We are talking about 22nd Century science here. The seeds of the future exist in the present, ignored by the orthodox but acknowledged by the wise. Scalar physics is the science of the future, a science that opens the doors to powers profound.
How did scalar physics originate?
In 1860, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) developed a mathematical framework to explain the observations of Michael Faraday, who had performed numerous experiments with electricity and magnetism. Maxwell had the insight to view such phenomena as perturbations in a fluid aether, allowing him to apply mathematics already in use for fluid dynamics toward the case of electric and magnetic phenomena.
In doing so, he found that electric and magnetic fields were two sides of the same coin, two aspects of one and the same electromagneti field. He discovered that the speed of light in vacuum is determined solely by the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of free space. By unifying electricity and magnetism, Maxwell gave birth to the modern science of electrodynamics.
Interestingly, Maxwell's theory incorporated not only the force fields [E] and [B] we are familiar with, but also the potentials [A] and [V] as well as the primordial superpotential [X]. This produced a system of twenty equations in twenty unknowns, complete but somewhat complicated.
Scalar physics is rooted in the portion of Maxwell's Theory that concerned itself with the potential and superpotential fields. However, it was precisely these that troubled the Academia of his time. For instance, Oliver Heaviside (1850–1925) had a real problem with the potentials, saying in his own words that they were an "absurdity" that should be "murdered" from the theory. This is understandable since the technology back then only allowed for measurement of force fields, not potential fields.
In 1884, Heaviside reformulated Maxwell's twenty equations into a compact set of four equations that, while convenient, were missing the potential and superpotential aspects. For a century afterward, the potentials were thought to be nothing more than mathematical conveniences, as abstractions that had no basis in physical reality.
It wasn't until the Aharonov-Bohm experiment in 1959 that the vector potential [A] was found to alter the quantum phase of the electron wave function in the absence of a magnetic field, proving that [A] by itself could affect matter. But that experiment was too little too late, for Heaviside's success in murdering scalar physics allowed the less capable force-based physics to proliferate and become entrenched in modern civilization. The reason we currently lack antigravity, free energy, and time travel is because various powers have invested in propagating Heaviside's bias.
While scalar physics may have been buried in the late 19th century, the moment draws near for its resurrection.
What is the purpose of this website?
SPRC ("spark") aims to collect available information on scalar physics. This includes links to websites, articles, videos, and books that are in some way relevant to the topic.
As time goes on, more links and information will be posted here, including original content.
September 22, 2013